Teach Away Resources for teaching

Resources for Teaching Abroad

Prospective Teachers

Thinking of taking the leap and heading abroad to teach? This section fills you in on everything you need to know before applying to teaching jobs abroad.

Getting Started

Application Help

Language Learning Help

Pre-Departure Teachers

It’s official: you’ve been offered a job teaching abroad! Not sure what you need to do next? This section is for you.

Post-departure Teachers

You've packed up your life to teach abroad - congrats! Looking for useful tips and advice on how to make your teach abroad experience a success? Look no further than this section.

Cultural Adjustments

Staying connected


Teach Away places thousands of teachers overseas each year resulting in a diverse network of passionate education professionals. Its teachers believe in giving back to the Teach Away community and have shared testimonials about their international teaching adventures. Here is one example from the many testimonials that are showcased on the website


I just wanted to send you a quick email to thank you for helping me with finding a job in Korea. The whole experience by far has been the best of my life an I can easily say that I feel well taken care of and happy here. I love my job and my students are the highlight of my days. The city is also amazing with a great blend of cultural traditional and modern sights and wonders to behold. And overall, the Koreans are delighted to have foreigners here. I have never met a group of people who are as open and friendly and welcoming as Koreans. And as a foreigner I feel very safe here too. Anyways, I can write email after email raving about my experiences here but I really just wanted to say thanks for your help and I know that I would not be here if it wasn't for you.

Mazahir Tayebali - Teach in Korea

Still have questions?

This is the definitive place for answers about the teacher recruitment process. The FAQ page chronicles the entire experience, from application to interview, to document preparation, to pre-departure and post-departure considerations-everything required to start planning with confidence.